Proof Of Concept (POC) on Land Titles
Designed and built a system for a government agency that facilitates uploading of land titles to the blockchain. These documents are immutable once uploaded and cannot be changed in any kind of way.

Designed and built a crypto exchange for a client in Uganda, to enable Ugandans buy and sell cryptocurency using local Ugandan shillings. It was the first exchange in Uganda, and was integrated with mobile money to allow ease of use for the Ugandan community. The Binusu exchange enables users buy and sell cryptocurrencies using cash or binusu agents, mobile wallets as well as bank transfers.

African Blockchain Confrence 2019
Along with the Blockchain Association of Uganda, we led the organization of the Africa Blockchain Conference 2018 which was the largest blockchain conference in Africa that brought together over 800 attendees from 23 countries around the world to address the role of blockchain in Africa's transformation. We will once again steer the Africa Blockchain conference 2019, which will focus on. The Importance of Blockchain and 4IR for Africa and along with the blockchain community, will also bring together the Artificial Intelligence, Internet-Of-Things, Big Data and the larger ecosystem that comprises the 4th Industrial Revolution.